

Posted on February 16, 2016 by Admin under Dog Law, Dog Microchip Law



ID Tag – Legal Requirements and Practical Use

Please be aware that in addition to the microchipping dog law requirements, when your dog is chipped it still remains a legal requirement that your dog must wear an ID tag when in a public place (Control of Dogs Order 1992).

The ID tag’s legal requirements are that it displays your surname and full postal address. I would also advise adding your land line, mobile and vet’s telephone number (the latter, in case your dog should be injured when it is not close to you).

Apart from the legal requirements of having your dog wear a collar and ID tag, on a more practical note, should your dog escape from you then it is much easier and quicker to have your dog returned to you when he has an ID tag on. If he is only microchipped, apart from facing a possible fine, your dog cannot be reunited with you until it is scanned with the necessary equipment. Bearing in mind that chips can slip from the original site of implant, there is a risk of not having your dog returned to you immediately.

There are many companies offering pet tags and the link below is one suggestion. Pet Tags offer the conventional tag but also the type which slide onto the collar so are less likely to get caught and pulled off. http://www.pettags.co.uk/dog-and-cat-tags.html


Microchipping of Dogs (England) Regulations 2015

Microchipping becomes a legal requirement in England as of 6 April 2016 and all puppies and dogs must be microchipped before reaching the age of 8 weeks (Microchipping of Dogs (England) Regulations 2015).

For more information on the microchipping laws in England, Scotland and Wales, please see the British Veterinary website. http://www.bva.co.uk/News-campaigns-and-policy/Policy/Companion-animals/Microchipping/

In addition to being microchipped, your dogs must also be registered to an approved database and your details kept up to date. This means that most puppies bought from a reputable breeder (puppies should usually not leave their mother before eight weeks of age), will be chipped and you will need to update the database registrar with your details when you purchase the puppy, as the responsibility of updating the register lies with the new owner of the dog.

You also need to be aware that, should you ever need to re-home your dog, it is an offence to sell or give away a dog which is not chipped.

Exemptions do apply on rare occasions, for example if a vet certifies that it would be detrimental to the dog’s health to have a microchip implanted. In this case, it must be done in an approved form, which your vet will be able to assist you with.

There are several microchip databases in the UK, Petlog being one of the most common (managed by the Kennel Club). The following link gives information on the law and also how to update your details. https://www.petlog.org.uk/pet-owners/compulsory-microchipping-faqs-for-pet-owners

UK Dog Law General Guide

Please see the Kennel Club’s guide on dog law for details of all dog-related legislation, including microchipping. https://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/media/8277/law.pdf


© Sally Bartlett
Co-operative Canines Dog Training and Behaviour